One thing after another... :S
Last Wednesday we discovered a flesh like lump hanging out of Mr Canes cloaca, it was a prolapse. We were able to get it back in easily the first time.

Not sure what was causing it, so we searched the internett for hours. We gave him a bath, and moved him to a petbox with moist paper towels. he was also in shed so I wanted to hadle him as little as possible. Over night the prolapse was back out and he had regurgitated his meal form Monday.
We gave him another bath in antibacterial soap, massaged the prolapse back in place and left him alone for a few hours. And we called the vet, of course. She was not at work until monday, so we where told to try and keep it into place and just hope for the best. The prolapse had to be massaged gently back in 3 times that day.

On saturday morning after his bath he passed a lump of dried urine and the prolapse was suddenly much smaller and real easy to get back in. And best of all: it didn`t come back out again that day! :)
This morning he was in much better shape, had shed during the night and he had passed a single mouse skull, and nothing else. No prolapse!
Could this be the thing causing the prolapse??

Well just have to wait and see... so no food for some time (weeks) and then hibernation, then hopefully his intestines will get the peace and quiet they need to recover. ;)

Other than that everyone is healthy. Miss Anery, Miss Wildling and Ingrid has shed this week and all three of them has gained 18 to 56 grams!! :D

Carlena Hammons
26/1/2016 12:55:09 pm

My ball python is doing the same thing so you say bathe him in antibacterial soap and massage it back in.


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